Technology boon or bane?

Technology has become an integral part of everyday life. Technology has made life easy. It changed our way of thinking. Technological development and innovation are welcome to modern society, but there are always two sides to a coin.

As we know, from ordering our food till accessing our bank accounts and booking tickets. Everything is at our fingertips. Technology has also ensured easy communication with all. This is how technology is a blessing.

Mobile Technology

But on the flip side of that coin, there are so many disadvantages of technology, because of the human tendency of misusing it in various ways.

Increase social stress level, pollution by modern technology, hacking techniques. Even for terrorist attacks, social media has become a channel.

It is time, us humans decide where to put an end to the disadvantages. We have been gifted technology.

So, we should use it constructively so that it would be more of a boon than a bane.

That’s all folks,

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Epitome of peace-Gandhi

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” 

-Mahatma Gandhi

Throughout his life, Mahatma Gandhi did inspirational things, things that nobody thought he could do. He made sure that he lived up to this line said by him.

Image portraying Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi or better known as Mahatma Gandhi was the Father of this Nation. He was born on October 2, 1869, in a small town called Porbandar in Gujarat.

Today, we celebrate his 150th birthday. The ideals of Mahatma Gandhi were Ahimsa and Satya. He not only contributed to the freedom struggle of India but also inspired people across the world. He encouraged them to raise their voices against discrimination of caste, colour, religion. He was a simple man with vast ideas. He was driven by his principles and never chose to disobey them.

Few facts we did not know about Gandhiji are:

  1. Great Britain, the country against whom he fought for independence, released a stamp honoring him, 21 years after his death.
  2. Steve Jobs was a fan of Mahatma Gandhi – his round glasses are not only similar but also a tribute.
  3. Gandhiji served in the army during the Boer war – he crusaded against violence since the time he realized the horrors of war
  4. Mahatma Gandhiji was nominated 5 times for the Nobel Peace Prize but was never awarded the prize.

His adversaries ended up honouring him and respecting him.

He became an inspiration to one of the world’s most influential people.

His experience was his best mentor. Experience is the mother of wisdom.

To sum up, here is one of his most famous quotes,

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

Happy Gandhi Jayanti!

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Singapore: E waste

Keyboards or smartphones may look harmless from the outside, but when they are broken down, the internal parts can have dangerous effects. It is proven that e-waste is grave and injurious.

E-waste contains dangerous and harmful chemicals. Some of them are lead, cadmium, mercury etc. These toxic materials pose a threat to human health. Presence of these materials in the environments causes breathing problem, nervous disorder, a different type of allergies and cancers, blood anemia, physical and mental weakness and many other dangerous diseases.

E-waste Day aims to increase recycling rates of electronics

The health risks range from the less risky to fatal and with very little landmass to process waste, Singaporean authority encouraged private companies, schools, retailers, and households to minimize, segregate and recycle their e-waste.

All e-waste contains small amounts of hazardous materials, ranging from heavy metals such as lead found in TVs and mercury in batteries, to ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons and hydro-chloro-fluorocarbons found in refrigerators. These are known as hazardous wastes.

The numbers show an uphill in the amount of e-waste collected over the years. A total of 2,700 kilograms was collected in 2012, 6,500 kilograms in 2013, and a total of 8,700 kilograms in 2014.

In 2016, 44.7 million tonnes of e-waste was released. This is equal to the weight of almost 9 Great Pyramids of Giza.

In 2017, about 60,000 tonnes of e-waste was generated. This is equal to the weight of 320 Airbus A380 aeroplanes.

Singapore is one of the most popular developed countries in the world. It is expected that Singapore will also be among the top consumers of the latest in technological advancements, as a technological hub in Asia.

However, as every rose has its thorn, the issue in this situation, is the issue of electronic waste and hazardous waste disposal and proper management.

One advantage of Singapore is that it is the second smallest country in Asia. It has a total land area of 697 square kilometres, and so it is easy for the discarding of the waste. There is a less population so there is less production of waste from each home so the amount of e-waste generated yearly here is matchless even though electronic device ownership is close to 100 per cent, the analysts said. It may not have a very advanced way of management but, is still managing to get rid of the waste.

The country’s limited space also means it is rarely used as a dumping ground for e-waste from developed nations. Full bloomed countries in Asia which are bigger have stricter regulations for e-waste dumping and are typically the preferred destinations.

Upon that, there is full cooperation from the Singaporean government. They launched guidelines that will help companies in recycling their e-waste.

1. Maintaining high levels of health.
2. Optimizing resource utilization in the waste disposal system.

Responsibility is vital in this case and scenario. It may not make a difference now, but it will make a huge impact in the future.

That small step can help lessen the toxic e-waste footprints we leave on this planet.

The consumer survey had found that e-waste was generally given to deliverymen to cart away, or thrown in the garbage. Such items could reach scrap traders, who do not have the skills to properly recycle these items and could end up releasing harmful chemical compounds or throwing them with general waste. Or even worse, burn them which would add to carbon emissions and contaminate the ash. This would increase the rate of the rapid growth of earth’s temperature, in other words, global warming.


If this responsibility is given to reputable and professional E-waste and hazardous waste recyclers, it would benefit the environment and society. It would also result in economic growth because of the more job opportunities.

So, the Singaporean government and the public are working together hand in hand.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” 

-Helen Keller.

Wheels on the bus

Image result for a person standing in bus cartoon

It was a foggy day, and the mist-covered almost everything the eye could see. My alarm rang, and this is when my bad day began. Having an alarm that plays rock music in the early morning is a sign that you love your bed and your sleep. I loved to sleep and I could sleep for an entire year if I could. Every day, I get freshened up, spend half an hour in the bathroom, run to the bus station nearby and get on a public bus. There would be times when I forgot to lock my house and run back. I would end up missing my bus.
One day, I had to go to Hyderguda for a meeting. It is 36 kilometers away from where I live. So, I took a public bus as always. This time, it was hard to even get on because there was such a rush, everyone was trying to get on. I almost got pushed under the bus. At last, I hopped on. The air was so humid. Everyone was sweating so much. Everyone’s shirts were so wet. I thought there was a water tank on top of me. I couldn’t even believe how much I was sweating.
Then, few of the seats got empty and I sat on one of them. It was a roller-coaster. Soon, I got used to it. Every time the bus slowed down, I held tight to my seat. Then there was a speed-breaker and everyone standing went flying onto somebody and finally, they sat on someone sitting on one of the seats. As expected, I reached my destination two hours later. I missed my meeting. There was a huge possibility of me losing my job.
Now, looking back, I should’ve just booked a cab. I regretted my decision. I should’ve considered some another option.

Does beauty and brain go hand in hand?

I think that beauty and intelligence do not go hand in hand always. Like they say,” Looks can be quite deceiving.” Beauty and brain are two different aspects. Yes, someone who looks striking maybe an intellect, but that is not the case at all times. Someone cannot be assessed based on appearance. Quoting once more,” A book cannot be judged by its cover.” Someone charming and no “brain” maybe an incompetent person in terms of most occupations. These “most occupations” are where there is the use of a person’s mental ability. So in conclusion, I want to say that, be passionate as much as you can and for becoming a renowned person, beauty doesn’t matter. Grow as an individual human being, dream big and strive hard for your goals.

Beauty or brain? she was asked.

Beautiful brain, she replied.

How the rain makes me feel…

The onset of monsoon brings out many emotions, memories and feelings out of me. I feel that the first drops of rain bring the childish self out of me. As soon as it starts raining, the drops make puddles which makes me want to jump in them. The patter of the rain is so rhythmic that, it makes me dance. The dance is the personification of joy and total happiness. The most important is the earthy smell- petrichor. It is such a fragrant smell that makes my adrenaline rise, and rush in my body. Even though, my parents forbid me from getting wet in the rain, as a natural teenage human being, my duty or in other words my reflex would be to get wet. The rain’s touch is very soothing, pleasant and refreshing. And last but not least, the delicacies and treats enjoyed during this time. The food enjoyed only in this season, and never again makes me even eager to eat the food.
This is how the rain makes me happy!