
Glue is sticky,like my friend Mickey.

White is the color of glue,

No! Now that’s not true,

It can also be blue.

You can use in craft,

but not to copy a draft.

It’s a quick fix,

you can buy six.

Also perfect bond,

not only used by the blond.

Buy it at a low price,

instead of rolling a dice.

“That’s all folks

Stay tuned for more poems,
~ written when I was in 3rd grade


We are the flowers,

maybe grow with clovers.

We bloom all day,

but don’t care what they say.

Bees and butterflies have our nectar,

it’s like their no.1 sector.

Flowers are beautiful,

can they be more colourful?

“That’s all folks

Stay tuned for more blogs and poems,


~ written when I was in 3rd grade


God’s palace…

Day 1

My preparation.                                                                                                 

We almost packed everything. We checked whether we had our camera, tripod, binoculars, mobile chargers, power bank, sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, bubble gum and earplugs.
We took bubble gum and earplugs because we were going in an aeroplane (our ears hurt while we are travelling in an aeroplane).
The flight was from Hyderabad to Cochin. The departure was at 10 a.m. in the morning. So naturally, we were in a hurry.
We reached the airport just in time (which is an hour early), then we went into the check-in section and showed our four online tickets (for me, my brother, my mom and my dad). We still had a lot of time, so we thought of having breakfast at Starbucks.
Little did we know we were actually late!
One of the flight assistants came running towards us, telling us that we were late and escorted us to the plane. We were so close to missing the plane.
After we got onto the plane with our coffee cups and banana cakes. We decided to eat our breakfast and then have a two-hour nap.
We reached Cochin by 1 o’ clock. The weather was so humid. We were sweating so much (I’ve never sweat that much). Then went to our hotel.

The best hotel ever!

The hotel was ABAD hotels. There was a huge reception and there were 30 floors.
We got our swipe card and our room number, 0J28. The room was very clean and the blankets the carpets were just washed and dried. The bed was so bouncy, me and my brother started to jump on the bed.
We freshened up and ordered our lunch. After eating our lunch, we got a call saying that the driver was going to meet us at our room.
Our driver arrived at our door and greeted us. His name was Latish Chuttam.He said that most of the places we wanted to see were closed because it was Monday. This was enough for day one at Kerala. Tomorrow was a big day!

Day 2

We go to a palace!

We got ready with our backpacks and got into the car and we were on our way to the one and only the Mattancherry Palace.
It is located in Ernakulam. This place was built by the Portuguese in 1555 and then renovated by the Dutch. This palace is now a museum. There are a few murals in which we can recognize a few Indian epics like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.
There were many tourists admiring the palace. Most of these tourists were foreigners.While we were travelling back in the car we saw many homestay residencies.

Next stop a synagogue.

I couldn’t stop laughing when I heard Mr Latish say it! He pronounced it like “sinna-go-goo”!Well, if you don’t know what a synagogue is, then it is a building where Jews meet for religious occasions or for praying.
This Jew synagogue was built in the 16th century.After the synagogue, we decided to go to the closest tourist destination, which was the St. Francis church at Fort Kochi, Vasco da Gama square.The St. Francis is special because the great explorer, Vasco da Gama’s remains were buried here.
In case, you are wondering why Kerala has so many churches, then it is because this place was first ruled by the Portuguese and then the Dutch.

To the beach! But first, we had to cross the river so we get across the backwater. So, we got onto a ferry with our car and crossed the backwater.
We arrived at Cherai beach. The Cherai beach is popular for its Chinese nets. We also helped the fishermen fishing with the nets.
Then we collected a few shells and headed back to the car.
We were all hungry and tired. So, we decided to go out for lunch.
We went to a restaurant, Tibet Kitchen. The food was amazing. The Zomos were the highlight of the lunch.
After the scrumptious lunch, we went back to the hotel.
We decided to go swimming. The swimming pool was built on the terrace. We swam for about an hour and went to our room. We took a bath and headed for dinner and had a nice sleep.

Tomorrow we were going to Munnar.

Day 3

We started very early, my new record!

Waking up early is one of the things I am really bad at. We woke up at 6 o’clock and hit the road.We had a 4-hour journey.
I slept and listened to songs on my Walkman.
My ears started to pop. Munnar was a hill station, it had a wonderful view of all the tea and coffee plantations.
We stopped by for the view and took a lot of pictures. We saw many birds through the binoculars.Our hotel was fabulous!
We reached Munnar by 11o’clock and had lunch at the hotel.                We booked a show for the Kalaripayattu.
Kalaripayattu is one of the first martial arts.
After that, we watched a Kathakali performance.Kathakali is Kerala’s state dance.
We came back to our room, tired and we ordered dinner and slept.

Day 4

Thekkady, ahoy!

Today we were going to Thekkady. We were so excited. Again, after we had breakfast we had a long road journey, in the car for about three and a half hours. We played games like Atlas and Word building.
We stopped by the spice market.  We bought spices like cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, pepper, nutmeg and turmeric.We also bought tea powder and coffee powder.
We also bought a lot of banana chips. There were sweet ones, salted ones, and also a few garnished with pepper.
Then, we went for elephant riding!The elephant ride was so wobbly that we almost fell off!
After that, we gave the elephant a bath and then it let us sit on its back and sprayed water on us!It was so fun!
We couldn’t wipe off the smiles on our faces.

What’s better than a hotel on the water?
After we changed and dried up, we headed to the hotel.We reached the…. hotel?
It was a houseboat! And we were the only ones aboard.
The sailor was Mr Michael and the cook was Mr Madesh.
They greeted us. We took a lot of pictures from our room, from the dining hall, terrace and the front view. The houseboat was beautiful!
In the afternoon we stopped by at a fisherman’s house for tiger prawns. The fisherman sold it to Mr Madesh.
Mr Madesh made a tasty appetizer out of the prawns and we had it for lunch.In the evening we stopped near an Ayurveda salon.
My parents got leg massages and then we headed back to the boat.
We docked near a quiet place and slept there for the night.

Day 5

We go back to the place we started.

After, our breakfast on the houseboat we went back to the car where Mr Latish was waiting.
We got into the car and we were on the way back to Kochi.
On the way, we stopped for an ATV ride.
Me and my dad sat on one of the ATV’s and my brother and my mom sat on the other one.We went down the hill and up the hill. It was very fun. It was getting dark so we went back to our room.
Then, we got refreshed and had a light meal. We quickly packed our bags and went to bed early so that we could catch the early morning flight back to Hyderabad.

Day 6

We continued our drive. We reached Kochi airport after a few hours and we said goodbye to Mr Latish.
We saw our neighbours waiting in the airport (they are originally from Kerala). We talked a lot with them and spent a couple of hours with them because our flight got delayed by an hour.
After the flight announcement, we went to board the plane.
Adios Kerala!

Home sweet home.

After we reached home we collapsed onto the sofas. Then we unpacked all our suitcases. We felt satisfied we visited Kerala. Maybe we will visit it again someday.
Truly, Kerala is God’s own country.

The Periodic Table

One of the most interesting topics in chemistry is the periodic table.

The periodic table is the arrangement of all the elements ever known.

You might be thinking, how are these elements arranged?

They’re arranged according to their atomic numbers.

Here is an example.

An atomic number or proton number is the number of positive charges(protons) in the nucleus of the atom.

History of the periodic table

The periodic table was invented by Dimitri Mendeleev in 1869.

He was a Russian chemist.

The periodic table had many empty spots where elements were supposed to be in place which was later discovered, since Mendeleev’s time.

New models and versions of the periodic table have been developed to explain the behaviour of chemicals. However, they are still quite similar to Mendeleev’s original design.

The main value of the periodic table is the ability to figure out the chemical properties of an element based on its location on the table.

Latest elements found

Elements          Proposed name      Symbol

113                     Nihonium                Nh

115                     Moscovium             Mc

117                     Tennessine               Ts

118                     Oganesson              Og

The Groups in the periodic table

  • Group-1: Alkali Metals

 lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium  (K), rubidium (Rb), caesium (Cs), francium (Fr).

  • Group-2: Alkaline Earth Metals

 beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), radium (Ra).

  • Group-3: Rare Earth Metals

 scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y), lanthanum (La) and actinium (Ac), lutetium (Lu) and lawrencium (Lr).

  • Group-4 

titanium (Ti), zirconium (Zr), hafnium (Hf) and rutherfordium (Rf).

  • Group-5 

vanadium (V), niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta) and dubnium (Db).

  • Group-6 

chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W), and seaborgium (Sg).

  • Group-7

manganese (Mn) , technetium (Tc), rhenium (Re), bohrium (Bh).

  • Group-8: Transition Metals

iron (Fe), ruthenium (Ru), osmium (Os), hassium (Hs).

  • Group-9 

cobalt (Co), rhodium (Rh), iridium (Ir).

  • Group-10

nickel (Ni), palladium (Pd), platinum(Pt).

  • Group-11

copper (Cu), silver (Ag), gold (Au).

  • Group-12

zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg).

  • Group-13: Boron Group

 boron (B), aluminium (Al), gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl), and ununtrium (Uut).

  • Group-14: Carbon Group

 carbon (C), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), ununquadium (Uuq).

  • Group-15: Nitrogen Group

 nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), bismuth (Bi) and ununpentium (Uup).

  • Group-16: Chalcogens

 oxygen (O), sulphur (S), selenium (Se), tellurium (Te),  polonium (Po), ununhexium (Uuh).

  • Group-17: Halogens

 fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), astatine (At) ununseptium (Uus).

  • Group-18: Nobel gases

helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr) , xenon (Xe) , radon (Re).

Make sure to watch

“That’s all folks

I’ll be back with more interesting blogs

